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Day Twenty-five 'No sugar February'

Soon the light nights and mornings will come and that will make all the difference.

It’s 7.14am on Tuesday morning. No snow today but still cold, wet and dark. Soon the light nights and mornings will come and that will make all the difference. It’s lighter on a night already, which is wonderful especially for people who must commute. Can you imagine leaving in the dark and driving home in the dark – that’s not fair.

The clocks will change – not long now and spring will spring into life. What’s the saying? Clocks ‘spring’ forward and ‘fall back’ in fall/autumn. I don’t know why we still do this – wasn’t it to linked to the farmers? Wonder if they still agree? Guess changing something will just mess so many things up.

Change who wants and enjoys it? I like change in work, in fact I need it (didn’t I write a section on this before hmmm I’ll have to go back and re-read!). I like there to be a difference in my day-to-day to give variety but change in real life, not work life that takes some getting used to. But I’ll do it – the change, always do!

My daughters’ best friend is 16 years old today. 16! Can you believe it? I have a daughter who will be 16 soon – how did that happen? I’m only late twenties in my head! Haha! 16 – as if!

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