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Day Twenty-seven 'No sugar February'

Did you have a bad day? Or was it just a bad half hour out of twenty-four hours?

Did you have a bad day? Or was it just a bad half hour out of twenty-four hours? It’s the time when I would reach for sugar. Sugar in its greediest form and greatest indulgence form – bag of sweets, chocolate bar or a cream cake.

But I haven’t done that for 27 days now and you know what I don’t need to, going forward either.

I’ve survived this far – I obviously didn’t need it really. That bad half hour didn’t get worse because I didn’t eat sugar. If I had eaten sugar, then hey I would have got a sugar rush of endorphins/high, but it would have soon faded again and actually perhaps it would have caused another shit/bad/crap half hour in my day.

I haven’t given in! I haven’t used sugar to comfort me or help me when I’m down. I haven’t used it as a form of a ‘pick me up!’ I haven’t used it to give me a lift, a sense of new founded energy.

I’m in control of me NOT the sugar is in control of me.

But I still miss it!

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