Thankful for the work.

Love Cheese - I am thankful
Thankful for the work. Thankful for Harry. He is a wonderful human and friend.
Thankful to get out the house and have a different sense of scenery - not just one house!
Love Cheese - says what it does on the tin.. You gotta love cheese to go there.
I am thankful to be appreciated, not bullied or disrespected. I am thankful for the customers and clientel - they are lovely. They don't tell you to fuck off or disrespect you.
Some are challenging but nothing like been a teacher or a youth worker.
I am thankful for the shop, the yard, the sun, the view of The Minster and Bar Walls.
I am thankful for the staff, they are lovely too.
I am thankful for the work and opportunity. I am good at the job and I enjoy it.
I am thankful to be seen and heard always.