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Day Twenty-eight 'No sugar February'

You can’t trust the papers either. They want to scare you and frighten you – just like the Morrissey Song.

Coronavirus – should we be panicking? First UK case here in York. Chinese parent visiting their child at York University. What’s going on? No one really knows. You can’t trust the BBC to tell you the truth anymore, look how they handled Brexit. Appallingly.

You can’t trust the papers either. They want to scare you and frighten you – just like the Morrissey Song.

I overheard a parent shouting at his child in Lidl “Coronavirus has been around forever, so stop fretting” Has it? Perhaps a better approach would be to engage in a conversation around how they can keep themselves safe and healthy – but no a good old shouting at will do!

This virus does seem to have a powerful strand to it that previous haven’t. Its been a funny old start to the year – floods, massive storms that have caused devastation and the coronavirus. The only way is UP (baby for you and me now…)

I go to Germany 25MAR2020 – wonder if I’ll be able to fly out? Watch this space, they might start shutting airports down!

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