Life is full of opportunities its whether we choose to see them or not. Do you chose? I chose too see them.hem.
It’s snowing! Haha! That never happens in York.
Well, it’s back to school, so the house was full on ‘get up’ ‘come on you’ll be late’ mainly from me. I’m such a ‘worry wart’ for them been late.
I weighed myself today - in this whole process I’ve lost 2lb’s – what’s that about? Well I know what it’s about – I’ve been eating full fat cream, double at that! Yummy haha! I’ve also made sugar free: banana bread and flapjack and I bet that has more calories in than a chocolate bar. But better for you!
But hey weight loss was only one of the reasons I did this! I do have beautiful skin – wonder how many times I’ve written that over the last four weeks. Loads I bet.
Today I’m going to meet someone from York Mind to discuss a job they have on offer … I’ll go with an open mind (get me!!) and heart. I must be open to what is on offer.
Life is full of opportunities its whether we choose to see them or not. Do you choose? I choose to see them.