Thank you tears.

For the last few days, I've had pain in my throast/neck.
Not a sore throat but pain. I can only describe it as if I had lumps in my esophagus
I did feel rather anxious about it.
I do have a very thin esophagus, as I was once told by the ENT doctor but that is due to a childhood condition. If I don't chew my food extremely well I can totally feel the food going down and sometimes it will get stuck.
Over the past few days its sometimes felt difficult to swallow too. I have been worried.
Last night something happened, I had a bloody good cry - unrelated to the above and today as I wake I feel so much better. My throat feels less constricted and painful.
Did I just need a really good cry, did I really just have a 'lump in my throat' as they say, because I needed a bloody good cry?
Have I been anxious/worried about something and carried the pain literally in my throat? How wonderful a good cry makes and feels - its literally made me feel more relaxed and peaceful.
Thank you tears.