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I do miss ‘normal’ life but I also don’t want ‘normal’ life to resume again, once lockdown is fully over.

Today is Saturday. We still have a form of normality in our house. Both adults still working here. My son he’s lost all sense of days: weekdays and weekends. My daughter has been working so has some grasp on the days of the week still. I’ve made a plan for the weekend, what I want to do and what we’ll cook as a family over the next few days. Just as I would have if we were living in ‘normal’ life. I do miss ‘normal’ life but I also don’t want ‘normal’ life to resume again, once lockdown is fully over. I’ve enjoyed eating together most days as a family. We didn’t do that in ‘normal’ life, perhaps twice a week if we were lucky. Life was busy: clubs, theatre, football, languages, maths etc. Our lives were full. Full to the brim with extra curriculum activities and a constant reoccurring train full of carriages giving us something to do and focus on. But not focus on us as individuals or families. Silence, who sits in silence anymore - pondering on life and its existence. On the choices we are about to make and why. Pondering, lost in our thoughts. ‘Normal’ life was loud and full. Not letting us breath and refresh, not letting us just ‘be.’ We need to remember to have silence. When was the last time you sat in silence? ————————————————— #saturday #stefbricklebank #saturdayvibes #silence #normallife #life #lockdown #change #changeyourmindset #growth #busy #train #love #family #friends

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